Friday, February 12, 2010

About How Many People Died In Trenches Now That The Last Veteran Of The WW1 Trenches Has Died, What Does Poppy Day Now Mean In Future?

Now that the last veteran of the WW1 trenches has died, what does Poppy Day now mean in future? - about how many people died in trenches ...

He is a veteran survivor of the First World War, but now the war in the trenches of the country has been passed from living memory, and history.

Poppy Day, the celebration of remembrance, in November, now mark an event to experience the no life.

What does it mean to you? And what would I say that this festival in the coming years?


Alex said...

This is not a war. One is to commemorate the dead of the war. Commemorate the fallen of the 1st World War is important. But it is also important in the dead of the 2nd World War II, Korea, the Falklands, Iran and Afghanistan to remember.

Remembrance Day is not about the story is to remember the sacrifice of all soldiers. Although the ceremony at a specific time and date is bound, it does not mean we should forget the sacrifice of others.


Sheree said...

After moving forward so that we remember the sacrifice that was made to the service. However, it is of the generation that knew not but it was not clear the extent and cruelty of the thing. However, literature and history should be taught and while it Rememberence soldiers will continue.

Laredo said...

However, it must mean the same, regardless of whether it WW1 soldiers and sailors alive. We always have to remind all those men who in the 1st World War I and 2 World War II dead. There are still some of our soldiers died and Memorial Day is for them too.
I still have contacts with the day of remembrance, as both my grandfathers fought in the 1st World War II and returned home. My father was saved enter WW2, because it was the occupation of the reserve, but joined his company for technical support, although this may have been killed or captured near Dunkirk. There was to celebrate Memorial Day, after all the years when the troops who have died in Iraq, the Falklands and Afghanistan, remember.

Mary B said...

Memorial Day was originally established to the senseless massacre of all young people in the 1st Remember World War II dead, it never happens again, but it always happens again and again. Please insult our intelligence by suggesting that the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, ext. fought for our freedom.

b'stardo... said...

Private Harry Patch - RIP.

The Festival of Remembrance at the memorial here in London and across Britain in all towns and villages, they mean what they always say - the love of our country and Remember who gave their lives for our freedom and this is also now in the front line in afghanite do.

The Royal British Legion

Harry Patch - the last British Tommy ...

In Flanders Fields - Poppy ...

The last message - every day of the year. ...

The First World War - Battlefields ...

I remember my grandfather, a veteran of the Boer War and World War I, he went into the sky with his regiment, the Royal Welch Fusiliers in 1957 - his age - a soldier of the Queen.


david k said...

Poppy Day is always the same for me if the veteran is alive or not. Remember all those who went to war (whether intended or not) and fought for our freedom. Some have paid the ultimate price with their lives! Never forget the sacrifices they made. I will teach my children the importance of the day and how the dead should be respected.

Always remember!

legs said...

Memory festival goes on, but started after 1 World War II is still relevant today, as women in the military and in wars, especially in Afghanistan. Festival of the report is important for me as my grandfather fought in the 1st World War, was in the Royal Horse Artillery in northern France.

Garrett said...

Poppy Day is for me a reminder of the sacrifices that military personnel, past and present have me and my family. We must never forget men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can freely develop ourselves and therefore these discussions and debates unscathed. We sholud honor these people.

armouror... said...

This means that we must do more to keep her memory alive
some of these brave young men were so lied his age to fight for our freedoms

is so sad, but we can not forget these words

He does not grow old when they were old;
Age shall not weary, nor the years condemn.
Into the sunset and the morning
We will remember them.

"Lest We Forget"

there will always be remembered

rdenig_m... said...

Rembrance Sunday is not only a reflection of the sacrifice of the men who fought in World War I, but those in the 2nd And following World War served in all conflicts.

The passage of Henry Allingham, Harry Patch in a few days, everyone is sad, but not to remember.

Mushtaq A said...

He died at the age of 111 Vereram was the last World War 1, now an end of the story. There have been in the vault of history than all the other heroes in his grave as the veteran has also set up in his grave for ever, is an end. Good Luck

pp.aande... said...

"Poppy Day" is not and never will be.

With the sample of the opium of the person. "Or someone in his name, make a donation to the Earl Haig Fund for the disabled.

This will be in office until the last British soldier died from the disability.

pp.aande... said...

"Poppy Day" is not and never will be.

With the sample of the opium of the person. "Or someone in his name, make a donation to the Earl Haig Fund for the disabled.

This will be in office until the last British soldier died from the disability. said...

its sad, but I just hope that future generations in the 1st WW11 history of World War II and taught better than they are today. My generation can still remember the bomb sites and wounded two wars. So lets hope not only in history books and a 30-minute lesson in the school

bob t said...

Poppy Day, commemorating the armistice said all names for the same day as well known as the day the facility, but still the memory of all soldiers who gave their lives to the struggle for freedom

stuart59 said...

Poppy Day (Remembrance Day), recalls not only those who fell in World War I, but all members of the Armed Forces and Civil Protection were killed in subsequent conflicts. Our support will always be necessary.

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