Saturday, February 6, 2010

Gallbladder Polyp Pregnancy Gallbladder Problems During Pregnancy?

Gallbladder problems during pregnancy? - gallbladder polyp pregnancy

I know it is long and I apologize!

I took my last order from doctors who are pregnant can cause gallbladder problems. It is something to do with hormones, I think. I have no problems with my first child was born, but about 3 months after they landed in the emergency room because of the extreme amount of pain in the chest and abdomen. It was caused by a polyp in my gallbladder. I had an attack in, but then seemed to stop.

After some months I was pregnant again. Everything was going well until recently. In the last month or so I've got sick after eating and are some of the same pain, but fortunately not as bad as the first time. I immediately asked my doctor about my gallbladder without me even saying anything about the attacks of the past. He said that in extreme cases the mother can undergo the surgery while she is pregnant, again have to remove the gallbladder.

Hopefully this is not the case for me. I & #039; "trying to see what they eat, which is extremely difficult, at 23 weeks of pregnancy, I wonder if anyone else this problem during or after pregnancy. If so, what do they have of the process do and how long after your child is born she will have done?


krazysus... said...

I had my daughter, 8th July. Er, why I went to 19 July, as you mentioned earlier. I had an ultrasound and I have gallstones. As is almost fully removed by surgery later this month. Now I eat anything with fat, and cook everything with olive oil, it does not cause seizures. I sat down to 4 medications, so I had to stop breastfeeding if I am in the emergency room. If the emotional pain is worse than physical pain after a caesarean and attacks against the gallbladder. HUN to be so careful, drink lots of water and stay away from food, I always say, oh, patients have only one or two bites and end with a terrible attack, trying to kill me, then, is under attack more than I I feel guilty, I thought of death as a newborn.
If the pain your child has no pain (literally, is just a saying)

me said...

I've never done before, but good luck!

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