Monday, February 15, 2010

Jeff Hardy Gears John Cena And Jeff Hardy...not All That Different?

John Cena and Jeff Hardy...not all that different? - jeff hardy gears

Think about this:

"We are both ardent supporters and young women.

"Both fighters are unconventional.

"Both fight better in the" trick "the party of the pure.

"These are two top-selling merchanise.

What do you think?


[Hannah] [Hardy] said...

They are different. I think Jeff is very popular now that people do not like Cena because of his "big push". But I agree with you on some points. Art and Rock Jeff.
His fighting spirit and style are completely different. John Cena is not a High Flyer Jeff. Jeff Hardy is not an exaggeration or booed. And since both are sold merchindise not the same thing?
Jeff Hardy also has a foundation dedicated fan, who probably Arn't turning on him. People have argued that if he was suspended and the House burrnt down. That's right. Some of the Cena fans are not loyal. Jeff games are in contrast to unpredictable dinners .. win or lose with him was Jeff Swanton 30 meters or so. And they're also more exciting.

Matthard... said...

I think that only their similarities and Arent even stronger. I can not believe that you think are similar, if someone agrees that they are so naive. Jeff Hardy and John Cena nothing like his fighting style is different, their clothes are not equal, not equal popularity, and his movements are not equal. You are completely wrong, and we're all crazy after reading this issue. lol peace!

Lynx (EC F'N W) said...

Well, in all respects, yes, but they were completely different fighting styles and strengths.

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